Thanksgiving break went really well over all but there were highs and and lows...
Lets start with the lows. The traditional thanksgiving morning family hunt went on as usual but this year with out Tyler. He and Amy stayed in TN because the only had the weekend off however they will be here for christmas. The hunt was pretty relaxing because there wasn't much flying as you can see Bowen was especially relaxed.

So, out of the eight of us who went out we only got one goose.
After the hunt I was breasting the goose since I was the one who shot it. I had half of it done and sitting in a plastic bag next to me and was working on the other side when it happened. Murph, our devious, all black, barn cat grabbed the plastic bag with half a goose in it and took off running with it like a guilty bandit. Immediately, Dad and I sprinted after it trying to get the meat. We ran all around the barn chasing after him but never caught him. He was a fast lil sucker.
It was pretty irritating that we only got to harvest half a goose that day and lets just say Murph is lucky to be alive.
Other than that lovely incident thanksgiving was great! I got to enjoy a delicious meal with my Dad's side of the family and awesome cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
I am looking forward to being done with all my classes Saturday, then I have winter break!