Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 30

Well, its finally here; the end of hats.
You may have noticed that I am writing this 31 days after I started and not 30. This is because Yesterday was quite hectic and I wanted to give this blog its justice being that it's the last one.
I had decided way in advance what my last hat was going to be. It was really quite easy because yesterday was Valentines Day and last winter I had made a red beret and I thought it was perfect for the occasion. I was wearing it for the first time and I received several compliments on it.

I went to church and then mi familia and I made a guest appearance at the SMBC, Deleware Chapter. We had a lovely time there as always and immediately after that I went to a Rapha House meeting.
The Rapha team and I are presenting our workshop to the students at fuel this coming week and then 4 times the next weekend at PCTC! Its really really exciting to see it all come together and I am praying (and maybe you will too) that our workshop will have an impact on the people who see it.

A question I was asked several times yesterday was, "What have you learned from the past 30 days?"

That really made me think. I've learned several things through this process and the first was to be confident. I realized that whatever goofy thing I stuck on my head it was most important that I was confident in it. Even if I didn't feel like it at first I would "fake it until you make it." If you act confident then you will appear confident; people will treat you that way and you will begin to feel confident.
The second is thing was one of my goals from the start was to be in constant prayer. I read this passage towards the beginning of my 30 day adventure.
1 Corinthians 11:3-16 says:

3Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. 7A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head.
11In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God. 13Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
That passage has a bit of meat in it but I knew exactly what I should take away from it. I needed to be in constant prayer every time there was a hat on my head. Now, I'm going to be honest; this sort of worked for a couple days and then after that I forgot about it and went on with my normal life.
Also, 30 days is a long time and a lot can happen. The snow put a damper on my plans for over a week and even then, looking back, Day 1 seems like so long ago and so many things have happened since then.
Something I am curious about is if this formed any habits. It is said to take 26-28 days to make a habit and I am wondering what habits I have formed. I am planning on letting you know when I find out. If you were wondering I am NOT wearing a hat today but I am blogging. Here is a picture of my hat free scalp:

30 Days of Hats has been an enjoyable experience and I would definitely recommend it to you! If you do decide to do it let me know; I might have some hats I could lend you. ;)
If you haven't looked up any of my other sign-offs please look up this one:
Obesa cantavit!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 29

Tomorrow will be my last hat!!!
Today I was pretty busy. I worked a birthday party and then Holly and Sarah came over and we played board games (again) and goofed off as usual. We played Dutch Blitz and Settlers of Catan. Sarah won Dutch Blitz but I won Settlers.
My hat today is sporting the logo of my brothers alma mater, JMU.
Ut incepit fidelis sic permanent,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 28

Its beginning to dawn on me that there are only 2 days of hats left after today. I'm glad for it to be over but i still have so many hats I want to wear! But, just because my 30 days are over doesn't mean I can't wear hats anymore. In the mean time, I will spare you the rest of my reflections until Sunday.

I went to my first Eastern Outdoors Show today. I have heard so much about it and it was neat to be able to see it all first hand. One of my highlights from today was definitely meeting Glynn Scobey, maker of the best duck and goose calls. He is a pretty neat man and I'm glad I was able to meet the crafter of my call set.

Here is a picture of Dad and me with a taxidermy bear at one of the Outfitter booths:

In summary, I had a great time with the guys and made many memories.

Hat credit: This is actually Dads and it was given to him by Tyler but I steal it whenever I can.
Regnat populus!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 27

I apologize for the extremely short post last night. I procrastinated blogging til late and then my uncle and cousin came in to spend the night because of the snow.

Today: I was either outside in the snow or warming up in front of the fire. When life gives you a lack of hills on your land what do you do? Make your own! We (we meaning Dad) have built up a pile of snow that is 15 feet and growing. Brandon and I have been making paths down all sides of Mt. Everest with sleds and it is pretty awesome!!! I have gotten some major air going down that hill today.

After doing that we had to unearth our yew bushes. They looked extremely pitiful because not only had they been snowed on but the snow from our roof slides down directly onto them causing the yews to be flattened. Needless to say my brother and I threw out every possible pun involving "yew" that we could think of. For example: I'm helping yew, are yew okay, sorry that i'm standing on yew, are yew hurting? Things like that.

Then, Nana and Pop invited us down for a delicious dinner (as always) and dessert. I put a few pieces into their puzzle but then left for home to see my mom who I had not seen since Tuesday morning. She's been snowed in at work since then but she's very glad to be back home.

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria

P.S. My hat today was made by my mom for my dad and it is extremely warm. The theme for my pic today is "Mug Shot".

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 26

Only 4 more days left! I can't believe it. The snow today here was ridiculous, its been snowing all day and the wind has been blowing furiously. There are a set of stairs that go into our basement from the outside and they are filled with snow! There are plenty of other drifts that are super high too. Well we have house guests for the night so I cannot write any longer.

Palmam qui meruit ferat,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 25

I went into town today with Nana and Pop and met Nana's friend Mary Anne to help her with a project she is starting. It was REALLY nice to get out of the house and see civilization. We ate lunch at Panera, which was packed but cozy and warm.
After getting home from that the Bradley's came over and we went sledding. Well, sort of. We did the best we could do with what we had which was no hills. Dad improved the same snow mound that Brandon and I were playing on yesterday so that were were able to actually sled as opposed to just "slide".
The snow continues to fall outside and add the mounds of snow. Baltimore is hours away from breaking the all time record for snowfall. This is definitely an exceptional winter and who knows when we'll have another one like it again.
O diem praeclarum! Kenz

P.S. Thank you Sara for my hat!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 24

Tonight after Brandon got home from work, we went outside and "chilled" in the snow. There's a huge pile of snow outside the house and we carved paths down the side and slid down. It sounds pathetic but when you have tons of land and not one stinking sledding hill you have to make it your self.

I was soaked from sliding down by the time we came inside and we had definitely worked up quite the appetite. It was lots of fun and totally worth it!

Homo vitae commodatus non donatus est,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 23

Well, this morning Nana and Pop came up for a waffle breakfast and a homemade church service. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the snow and relaxing.
We watched the superbowl tonight and even though I was rooting for the Colts (I really didn't care who won) I was excited for Nawlins (A.K.A. New Orleans). It was really cool that the city has finally recovered to the point of making it to their first superbowl and winning! Having been to New Orleans just a year after Hurricane Katrina I can absolutely understand the city's excitement tonight.
I have NO school tomorrow so I am starting to kick into break mode meaning I have absolutely NO desire to do any homework even though I should. I'll have to buck up and get it done eventually.

Nihil agere delectat, Mackenzie

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 22

My promises ring true and today I am blesses to tell you about SNOW! It snowed for exactly 23 hours straight and accumulated a lot (im not sure about the exact amount of inches). I walked around in the snow for a bit and took 57 pictures. Snow is like Fall: it transforms the way everything looks and makes you look at it in a new way.

After that I hopped in the truck with Dad and I plowed the church lot across the street. Apparently I have the knack for it so if I wanna make some money all I gotta do is buy a track and a plow and spend a whole lot of money to maintain the truck. In other words, don't call me when you need to be plowed out.

Est autem fides credere quod nondum vides; cuius fidei merces est videre quod credis

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 21

So, I learned a new game tonight with my family called Quiddler. It's cards with letters on them and you have to make words instead or runs and sets with normal card games. It was a ton of fun and we ended up spelling some pretty interesting things.

I ended up going out with these two words: gay as in happy and bar as in candy bar. The two are totally unrelated unless candy bars make you happy, which may very well be the case.

So far I am very disappointed with the snowfall. It better snow heavy tomorrow because it's been pretty pathetic so far.

After the card game Brandon and I made a video of my mad skills:

Well goodnight everyone, I am hoping to be talking to you tomorrow about the amazing snow we've had; time will tell.
Illiud latine dici non potest,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 20

Wow, only 10 days left!!! I can't believe it.
I worked all day today (my usual Thursday routine if you haven't figured that out by now). We're supposed to be getting a ton of snow this weekend which I am really excited about, despite most of my weekend plans being canceled already. So many Marylanders are being extremely negative about this upcoming snow (sorry if you are one of those people but I am a glass half full type of person) but I like to think that if it's going to be cold we might as well have some pretty snow to go along with it.

This picture is of me and Dad watching Project Runway. Can't you tell he's thrilled?!
Scribere est agere,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 19

So, heres a recap of today,
  • Wake Up: snow outside was beautiful and clinging to the tree branches
  • Go to School: parking was easy-peasey because everyone was just getting there due to the snow delay
  • Chat with Hank before Sociology
  • Sit through 2 classes and 2 quizzes
  • Find out that History was canceled: got to go home early and satisfy my hunger
  • Did some homework
  • Frank comes in the house and asks if I'm cold because I'm still wearing my hat: I answer "No"
  • Make dinner
  • Rick asks if my ears are cold "No"
  • Go to a meeting at work
  • Visit with Nana and Pop
  • Write Blog
  • Sleep
Adde parvum parvo magnus acervux erit, Kenz

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 18

Brandon got home from work early today because the church was on lock-down due to a threat. Luckily everyone is fine! He made some awesome hot chocolate from scratch and topped it with a Hershey's Chocolate bar and Cool Whip. It looked amazing (I'm ashamed that I didn't get a picture of it before we started drinking it) and was some pretty epic hot chocolate but it made me loose my appetite for dinner. Oh well.

Fac me cocleario vomere,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 17

Holly lent me the hat for today and it kept me quite warm! I cannot wait for summer when everything will be warm and sunny!
This semester is looking bright so far because many more of my friends are taking classes at the community college. I've been enjoying walking to classes and sharing notes with friends. This sounds horrible but I can't wait until people start dropping out of classes because it makes parking so much easier.

My hat with these sunglasses made me feel like Amelia Earhart!
Fugit Hora, Keny