Basically, the concept behind the series was for us to leave some white space in our lives. You know, like the white space, or margin, on the edges of the pages in a book. If the text was to go all the way to the edge of the page, it would look cluttered and no one would want to read it. Just like there's a spacious margin right here on this blog. The text is only consuming a narrow strip of the entire page because it makes it look more appealing to you. It's obviously working because your reading what I'm writing aren't you? The same thing goes for our lives. If we have every little detail of our day rigidly planned out, how in the world are we going to let God implement his plan for our life? The more open space we have in our day to day life, the more room there is for God to work out his perfect plan for us.
Well, at the time of hearing this sermon series I didn't really think about it much. It was over Christmas break so I didn't have much going on anyway. I just thought to myself, "White Space? Check!" Now that I am back at school and getting into the swing of things, I am getting a lesson on the importance of white space.
My schedule is pretty open right now. My only assignments have been text book readings, and things really haven't gotten intense yet like i know they will later on in the semester. I am not going into details in this post because things are still beginning to play out, but I definitely will soon. For now, I just wanted to say that having white space in your life really does allow room for God to work!!!
There have been a couple different extracurricular activities that I have been offered to partake in, but because I was not passionate about them I let them pass by. These are things that I probably would have enjoyed but I knew they weren't supposed to be a part of my life at the present moment. All I can say is: Boy am I glad I have had an open schedule right now because God is most definitely using it to his advantage! I can't wait to share specifics about things. for now I just want to encourage you to create white space in your life! It will be 300% worth it! I challenge you to have done something to create white space in your life by the time I post my next blog. I know you can do it and I know you know what you need to do. What are you waiting for? Do it!
Much love from a Hokie