Well here I am the night before my long awaited trip to Nairobi, Kenya. I honestly cannot believe that it has come up so fast and I feel like no amount of preparation can prepare me for what is ahead. Despite the feeling that I am being thrown into something unprepared, I know that I am as ready as I will ever be and I will give it my all.
Immediately after writing this, I will go to bed for an entirely too short 5 hours of sleep. It will all be a buzz from here and it will be wonderful! Please pray for my trip that my team can do God's will while we are there and that the people we meet will be receptive to God's love. Different members from my 80+ person team will be taking turns blogging on my church's short term mission blog, http://mountainshorttermmissions.blogspot.com/, and I encourage you to check it out regularly while I am gone.
Until I reenter the states on July 2nd,